BELLA: Where are you from originally?
SAMY: Port Saint Lucie, Florida Born & Raised

BELLA: Were you more physical or intellectual growing up?
SAMY: Both, I played soccer for 7 & a half years, but I always had my
nose in a book. I was a preppy nerd, I guess lol
BELLA: What do you do for fun?
SAMY: Modeling♥ Just started a year ago & I lovee it! I love hangin
with my friends, & playing COD (Call of Duty). The beach is where I
love to spend my summer days, unless I'm inside relaxing with my two

BELLA: What do you do to stay in shape?
SAMY: Rollerblading. My metabolism helps a lot though, I can eat anything without gaining a pound. Lol & it takes me 5 sit ups to get a 6 pack
BELLA: If you could hook up with any famous male, who would it be and why?
SAMY: Oh man, there's two, Bradley Cooper & Wentworth Miller, but if I
HAD to choose, Brad.. he is really smart & I love every role he's
played in any movie, not to mention hes GORGEOUS! lol

BELLA: What type of men do you like?
SAMY: Classy, but edgy. They have to make me laugh but also stand up like a
man when he needs to. & if they smell good, it’s a wrap – but they
HAVE to have a nice smile lol
BELLA: What makes you sexy?
SAMY: My eyes & personality. I have confidence, because I’ve learned
– if I keep hearing how pretty I am, I must be, because not very many
people think I’m ugly, but I guess they wouldn’t comment ‘you look so
ugly in this pic!!! ’ on my facebook, so I wouldn’t know, but I’m not
going to be the girl that keep denying it & making everyone feel sorry
for me, I know I’m pretty & I’m proud of it, but I’m also proud
to say I’m not a bitch
BELLA: What was your first job?
SAMY:: The movie theatre at the Treasure Coast Mall, Regal Cinemas.
BELLA: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
SAMY: I’m very insecure because I have small boobs, people say it
doesn’t matter, but to me it does. BOOB JOB! )
BELLA: What's your best feature?
SAMY: My eyes

BELLA: What's your favorite sport?
SAMY: Hockey!! Go Flyers!
BELLA: What is a Bella girl to you?
SAMY: A girl that is beautiful on the inside & out, a girl that will
stand up for herself even if she's the only one standing. A girl that knows
shes beautiful even if no one told her.