Bella Models Magazine - Beautiful Worlds. Home for aspiring artists and Fashion.
Bella Models - Home for aspiring artists and Fashion  


Bella Mondos Magazine - Beautiful Worlds. Home for aspiring artists.

This Month's Bella Girl -  Daphnee - Miss JUNE!

BELLA: Where are you from originally?
DAPHNEE: I was born in Haiti, in a town called Saint-Marc.

BELLA: Were you more physical or intellectual growing up?
DAPHNEE: Physical, in middle school I was a Cheerleader, Dancer and a Runner.

BELLA: What do you do for fun?
DAPHNEE: I surround myself with the people I care most like family & friends because if I'm with them, no matter what were doing I'm always having fun.

BELLA: What do you do to stay in shape?
DAPHNEE: besides the little 10min work outs and 30min runs, all I do is EAT EAT EAT, and wont gain a pound lol.

BELLA: What was your first job?
DAPHNEE: My first job was at subway and to tell you the truth I got fired the next day for a mistake the manager made. It wasn't a set back though; it was God bringing me closer to something better.

BELLA: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
DAPHNEE: Back in grade school they would say Daphnee you're too skinny or Daphnee you're to tall now they say wow I wish I was that thin. Everyone should have confidence in their self; you never know where it's going to take you.

BELLA: What's your best feature?
DAPHNEE: My smile, I work as a cashier and everyone always tell me I have such a beautiful smile.

BELLA: What's your favorite sport?
DAPHNEE: Running, everyone claims the want to get in shape but all they do is stay home. No! Park your car and walk to the corner store, you will see results.

BELLA: What is a Bella girl to you?
DAPHNEE: Someone who's witty and can have fun has a loving compassion to express one's self. And most importantly has confidence in herself.

BELLA: What makes you different from most models?
DAPHNEE: Definitely my perspective because the way I see it Modeling is more than taking a picture its having confidence, and loving your beauty.

BELLA: Where do you see yourself in five years?
DAPHNEE: Some where in New York strutting in the runway, while being snapshot by a million Photographers.

BELLA: What is you favorite part of modeling so far?
DAPHNEE: Wow let see, it would have to be the whole process, finding the location then posing leading you to learn your strengths and weaknesses.

BELLA: What don't you like about modeling?
DAPHNEE: I would have to say when things don't go as planned, forgetting props or people not showing up, but I always manage to get through that with great ending results.

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